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Elementary, Middle and High School


We are an accredited, private K-12 STEM school built on evidence-based learning models

We employ several pedagogical approaches and ideological frameworks to create an authentic, student-centered curriculum:

STEM Integration

STEM Integration

Science, technology, engineering and math are integrated across subjects

Small Class Sizes

Small Class Sizes

Small class sizes allow for more individualized learning and opportunities for participation

Experiential Learning

Experiential (Hands-on) Learning

Experiential learning drives student growth through meaningful experiences

21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills

21st century skills include those necessary for success in a changing world: critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration

Phenomenon-Based Learning

Phenomenon-Based Learning

Disparate subjects are connected to real-world problems inspired by a yearly phenomenon

Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning

Skills and concepts are applied to address constraints in the context of memorable projects

Standards-Based Grading

Standards-Based Grading

Standards-based grading incentivizes individual improvement and content mastery

Current Events

Current Events

Current events inspire real-time curriculum modifications to enhance its relevance

  • We are accredited through Cognia, who provide research-based standards and actionable data to drive continuous improvement


Join us for a visit!

See and experience our unique approach at our upcoming Project Expo or Preview Workshops.


Senior Class Statistics*

Graduation Rate 100%

College Placement Rate 85%

Among college-bound seniors:

Scholarship Offers 91%

Among scholarship offers:

Full Tuition Offers 20%

*All senior classes through 2024


Take a Closer Look…


Alumni Stories

Meet some of our recent alumni, who are using what they learned to find success in college and beyond.


Meet Katherine

Class of 2020


“The most valuable thing I learned at LTSA was time management which is a skill that I use every day in college. At LTSA, I was balancing college courses, LTSA classes, clubs, and an internship.”
— Katherine

Katherine is pursuing a combined B.S. and M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering at Illinois Tech on a 5-year, full-tuition scholarship. Her internship at Madmann EV while at LTSA helped her get her first internship in college—at Rolls Royce. Katherine interned two summers at Rolls Royce and one at Tesla.

LTSA helped Katherine get a full-tuition scholarship at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.

“LTSA prepared me for studying engineering in college by helping me get an engineering internship in high school. I started college with industry and CAD experience. This helped me better understand my engineering coursework in college as well as gave me a boost when I was applying for internships.”
— Katherine


Meet Emelia

Class of 2022


Emelia is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Advertising at Texas State University, where she was awarded the Distinguished Scholarship and has been inducted into the Texas State Council of Scholars.

Emelia designs the Collaboratory
As a senior at LTSA, Emelia designed and set up a new makerspace for the school.

Emelia developed many skills through LTSA’s experiential and project-based learning that are relevant to her current studies and career goals. As a senior at LTSA, Emelia designed, fundraised, and assembled the school’s Collaboratory, an impressive makerspace used by K-12 students. Through her roles on the school’s F1 in Schools teams, Emelia developed skills in marketing, social media management, fundraising, graphic design, communication, and project management.


Meet Harrison

Class of 2023


“[At LTSA], I had an amazing, individualized education that played to my strengths and weaknesses.”

Harrison is a pre-med student at his first-choice college, Taccoa Falls College, in Georgia near where his family now lives. Like many students, Harrison started LTSA in elementary school and stayed through high school graduation and considers his time at LTSA “one of my fondest memories of childhood.”

During his time at LTSA, he says he was taught not just what to learn, but how to learn. As the manager of LTSA’s F1 in Schools team, Harrison developed skills in leadership, project management, communication, and fundraising.

“I can confidently say that Lake Travis Stem Academy provided me with a strong foundation to become successful as a college student.”


Join our student-centered community:


Mission and Philosophy


Our mission... to inspire our students and create an authentic curriculum to provide a balanced learning environment, nurturing children's natural curiosity about their world with student-centered experiences.


A word from the founder...

Imagine the search for a school as an equation. As you look, add up the strengths of each school: academics + philosophy + quality of teachers + campus facilities + school values…the variables go on and on. Find the balance that is right for your family, and you have given your children a gift that prepares them for life.

One of the most important decisions you'll ever make is where to enroll your child for quality learning. As you do your research and evaluate your options I hope you will consider Lake Travis STEM Academy.

Our challenging academic curriculum in a caring and character building environment turns out well-informed, well-prepared students who have a decided advantage as they face the increasing challenges of middle school, high school and college.

I encourage you to peruse through our website and it is my hope that our mission, philosophy and methodology will encourage you to start the process to enroll your child(ren) into Lake Travis STEM Academy.

Warmest Regards,

Kori McLain
Director /Founder


Fees and Tuition


Current Fees & Tuition 

Download our fee schedule for 2024-25 school year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.



  • Monthly payment options and semester payment options are available through a third party company. Please ask for details if interested.

  • Sibling discounts are available - please ask for details.

  • Scholarships and financial aid available, if qualified

After-School Care Programs

  • Early Morning Care is available - please ask for details.

  • After School Care programs are available - please ask for details.


Ready to see us in action?

Virtual information sessions and on-campus tours are available through the Admissions portal

Our enrollment process is simple and self-guided:


Testimonials and Partners




"My husband and I have a combined 20+ years of classroom teaching in the public education system. As such, we have experienced first-hand the challenges and pitfalls of a highly political, public institution created and modeled after the 19th century factory system. Its archaic structure inherently values quantity over quality; breadth over depth; assessment over comprehension ...

...LTSA under the guidance and leadership of Ms. McLain has accomplished in two years what most schools have failed to do over decades: create a progressive educational institution which considers individuality and provides wholistic, comprehensive instruction via quality hands-on learning experiences in a smaller setting. Its unique schedule recognizes that family involvement in education is key to a child’s success and that with more time on learning and less time transitioning, what takes public schools 35+ hours to complete can be accomplished much more efficiently in less than 20."

Dawnmarie P. & Kenneth B.


"Lake Travis Stem Academy is a great fit for our family. Our children are encouraged to explore science, and to present what they’ve learned to their classmates. Through well planned unit studies, or hubs, our children have learned a great deal about the world around them. For example, while learning about rocks, minerals and soil erosion, they were working on projects to model the layers of the earth, experimenting with erosion, reading Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth, touring caves and aquifers, and preparing presentations to share with their class on what they had learned..."

"...My children love their teachers and classmates. They can’t wait to get to school! After school, they are anxious to fill me in on what they’ve learned that day. It’s easy to see that the teachers are doing what they love and the children sense this every day."

Tonya & Ross S.


"What makes LTSA so innovative is its combination of experiential learning with STEM integration across all subjects. The LTSA model is research-based and includes powerful project-based learning strategies with the narrative construction of knowledge (heavy on reflective learning) and the opportunities for students and staff to grow together through authentic exploration. That’s what learning is all about!"

Bradley McLain, Ph.D
Co-Director of Xsci
Center For STEM Learning,
University of Colorado, Boulder


"Thank you so much for visiting Cisco today. Your group really kept us on our toes, they are one sharp bunch! All of my Cisco, TACC (Dawn and Je'aime), and Rapid7 (Aaron) volunteers enjoyed the conversations and questions your students had."

Jennie K.
Cybersecurity Researcher
Cisco Systems


"...I loved each group; they are well ahead of other students in their age groups and even many adults"...
"if they presented to a group of adult entrepreneurs, we could all completely relate, but most importantly learn."

Katherine R.
Co-Founder of

Our Accreditations, Partners and Collaborators...



We serve families from Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock, Leander and Lakeway

Located on the outskirts of northwest Austin near 620 and Anderson Mill